Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Reading things

I think I've pretty well broken-recorded the fact that my reading pace has slowed at the moment, but I'm still finding time to breeze my way through the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. I think I'm on book five right now, and still enjoying them. I keep telling myself I should take a break and read something else, but one book just flows so seamlessly to the next. Hubby did the same thing when he read them a few months ago, so I shouldn't really be surprised. 

I've also just put Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch on my phone to listen to when I need a little kitchen-cleaning/cooking/knitting/walking entertainment. It's the third Gentlemen Bastards book, and I've neglected reading it for too long. These books are so great, in case you haven't read them.

After the successful (eventual) reading of a non-fiction book this year, I've decided to pick up another non-fiction book to work through. As a bonus, this goes along with what I learned in The Accidental Creative about being intentional in your consumption of media/entertainment/inspiration. So, Bird by Bird, by Anne Lamott will take up residence on my bedside table. I've had this book for years, and it's always one recommended to writers or aspiring writers. I'm a little embarrassed to admit I haven't read it yet, but that will soon be remedied! 

Happy reading!

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